About NOFD

The North Okaloosa Fire District is an Independent Special Taxing District established by an act of the Florida Legislature in 2001 codified in Chapter 2001-333 Laws of Florida, signed by the Governor into law on June 13, 2001, with the latest revision to the District’s codification included in Chapter 2007-311 Laws of Florida and signed by the Governor into law on June 28, 2007. The District operates under the authority of Chapters 189 and 191, Florida Statutes. The legislation created an independent special fire control district to be a public municipal corporation for the public benefit covering approximately 77 square miles of Okaloosa County, Florida. The purpose of the District is to provide fire protection, fire prevention, emergency medical, and rescue response services, and acquire and maintain firefighting, fire protection, rescue, medical, and other emergency equipment. ​

The North Okaloosa Fire District is divided into the 911 and Aircraft Rescue Firefighter (ARFF) divisions. 

The 911 division provides emergency services to the community through fire prevention/education, fire suppression, pre-hospital emergency medical care, rescue, services calls, and hazardous materials incident response. We accomplish this by utilizing our professional knowledge, training, and resources.

The ARFF division provides contracted Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting services to Lockheed Martin and Vertex Aerospace LLC/Crestview at the Bob Sikes Airport.

The North Okaloosa Fire District is committed to protecting the people and property within our community.  We will be responsive to the needs of our citizens by providing rapid, professional, humanitarian services essential to the health, safety, and well-being of the community.

We will accomplish our mission through prevention, education, fire suppression, first responder medical service, and other related emergency and non-emergency activities.  We will actively participate in our community, serve as role models, and strive to efficiently use all of the necessary resources at our command to provide a product deemed excellent by our citizens.


The North Okaloosa Fire District is committed to providing the highest level of public safety services to our community. We protect lives and property through fire suppression, emergency medical care, fire prevention, and public education.


Map of North Okaloosa Fire District Boundaries and NOFD Fire Commissioner Seats

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Link to the Map of Okaloosa County Fire Districts:



Special Districts are mission critical, local community units that address specific community needs and provide and maintain single-focused infrastructure and services, such as water and road management, fire rescue and safety, health care services, community development, housing and more. Special Districts act on behalf of their constituency when the local governing body, such as a country or city, is  unable to provide the necessary funds for a service that is critical to their community.

  • Fiscally Responsible: Special Districts are fiscally responsible governing boards that are committed to being good stewards of taxpayer dollars through responsible and lean budgets decision-making. In general, Special Districts spend less on general and administrative expenses than do their counterparts, cities and counties.
  • Accountable: Independent Special Districts have strong levels of accountability with the vast majority of board members elected by voters in their community. Most of the remaining board members are appointed by the Governor or by other elected officials, thereby, providing ultimate accountability to the electorate.
  • Transparent: Special Districts are limited in how they can spend taxpayer dollars and are required to be transparent in their financial processes. Special Districts are also subject to Florida’s Sunshine, public record, financial disclosure and ethic laws.
  • Community-focused: Special Districts are community-focused and mission-critical governing boards that address specific community needs, and provide and maintain infrastructure and service needs important for area residents.
  • Single-purpose Districts: Special Districts usually serve only a single-purpose and help Floridians when local or state-government were either unable or unwilling to provide crucial services or programs to a community.

Key Facts:

  • Special Districts have a long history of being a part of the fabric of local communities, and in many instances, have a record of providing critical services to area residents even before municipalities and other units of local government existed.
  • Only residents who directly benefit from the services provided by Special Districts are assessed ad valorem taxes or fees.
  • The most effective government is closest to the people and serves the people best. Special Districts are the best example of small, limited form of government that is directly responsive to the immediate needs of a community.
  • If residents feel that Special Districts have failed to deliver on the services expected, they can elect new board members or urge the Governor to appoint new board members.
  • Special Districts offer limited and targeted services that general-purpose local or state government have been unable to provided to a community.

Click on the link below for the State of Florida Official List of Special Districts

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